It’s time once again for our Christmas Special. All you have to do to save $50 – $300 off lessons for next year is buy one of our Christmas Gift Cards! Give the gift of music to a loved one (or even just yourself!) by contacting us to arrange a gift card […]
Microsoft OneNote is a fantastic tool that we can use across all devices to stay connected both during and between lessons. However, setting it up can have you feeling a little confused so here is a quick guide to get you started! As always, there’s a TL;DR guide at the […]
We all have different levels of experience when it comes to online connectivity, so here are some quick tips to help everyone get the most out of their lessons #1 Wire your computer to your modem (router) using an ethernet cableWiFi is very convenient as you can be completely wireless […]
Step #1: Navigate to Step #2: Click on the button ‘Sign Up, It’s Free’ Step #3: Enter your email address into the text box, or, use your Google or Facebook account to sign in Step #4: Follow the onscreen instructions which will either be directing you to an email […]
Not going to let some bugs slow us down! As of today (March 21) we are excited to announce that we are offering online tutoring to all existing and future clients. We’ve got new tech, new gear, new software and the same old desire to do our very best for […]
We would like all of our clients and new students to know that we are still open and offering tutoring at this time. We are preparing to offer online tutoring for our students, and have started to do so already for students who must self-isolate. If schools close or more […]